Modular & Skid - Gallery
ExxonMobil Alaska
Point Thomson Tank Modules
ExxonMobil Alaska contracted with Haskell Corporation to fabricate a diesel storage facility for their Point Thomson development on the north-slope of Alaska. The facility was designed by WorleyParsons-Fluor in a modular fashion to facilitate pre-assembly outside of the extreme climates and remote location of Alaska's arctic region.Over the years, Haskell Corporation has fabricated and assembled numerous module projects at the module assembly facility located in Anacortes, WA. This yard was ideally suited for this project and was re-mobilized in the summer of 2012 for purposes of executing this work. The project involved assembling four large diesel storage tanks, associated pumps, piping and controls onto three separate modules. The work in Anacortes was completed in June of 2013 in time for the summer sea-lift to Alaska. Haskell Corporation was the general contractor on this project, self-performing the preparation and development of the module yard, all process piping and the equipment installation.